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MAN Roland 505 0B P 2/3 HiPrint

Produktnummer: SW10139
53 x 74 cm
Offsetdruck: 5 Farben
Sehr gut
138 mio. impression Mio.

MAN Roland 505 0B P 2/3 HiPrint

Age: 2008

Counter: 138 mio. impression

Sheet Format max.: 530 x 740 mm

Sheet Format min.: 260 x 400 mm

Printing area max.: 520 x 740 mm

Performance: 16.000 sheets/hour

Material Thickness: 0,06 – 0,6 mm



5 color offset printing machine

InlinePerfector 2/3 5/0

PressPilot Control Panel with Comfort Package

ColorPilot D – Densitometry Ink measuring and control system

PrintNet PressManager “Perfect 30” Upgrade


Premium Operation Comfort

Premium Format Change for automatic Sheet size setting in Feeder

Electric Double sheet control with Ultrasonic sensor in Feeder

Misaligned sheet correction in Feeder

Electronically controlled sheet transfer for early, late and misaligned sheet

Double sized impression Cylinder and Transferter

High-Quality surface Plate-, Blanket- and Impression cylinder

Automatic Material thickness adjustment 

Automatic Missing sheet control between printing units

EPL (Halfautomatic Plate Changing)

QuickChange Surface ink fountain coating for fast color change

All automatic washing devices (Ink roller, Blanket and Impression Cylinder)

Roland Deltamatic film-dampening system

High Pile Delivery Roland AirGlide

Grafix Digital L Powder sprayer

Technotrans beta.d + alcocontrol dampening and cooling solution

Air Center Rietschle


Special Equipment in the value of 170.000,- EUR includes:

-Premium Format Change for automatic sheet size setting in Feeder

-Premium Operation Comfort

-Impression Cylinder washing Device

-Technotrans beta.d instead of standard dampening and cooling solution

-Air Center Rietschle Air supply with cable and Tube extension of 6m

-ColorPilot D – Densitometry

-Comfort Package for Control Panel

-PressManager Perfect 30 with the following licences:

(PressManager Server, JobPilot, PrepressLink, PressMonitor, JDF Input)